Recently we have added more businesses to the business listing database.

We wish to expand that listing even more, and would like to see all businesses, big and small, listed on the website.

If you have a business in Eudunda and Robertstown and the region of Southern Goyder, or you do business with these areas, you can (currently) have a business card scanned in and we will make a listing on the web portal.

Your listing will be added to the Business Listing page – check it out here

As a special incentive for businesses to list here and JOIN ECBAT – once we have your business card added there is an opportunity to have your details displayed on the web portal (this website). This feature is still to be implemented and will be along the line of the currrent adverts for community items – as displayed prominently above the featured posts or articles. Basically – right in front of the viewer.

To get listed in the first place you can hand it in at Web South – 12 Gunn St, Eudunda, Post it to us at Box 85, Eudunda, SA, 5374, or scan and send it to us by email or phone us on (08) 8581 1189 to arrange something.

The cost is FREE (for the moment anyway – so get in quick). This service is provided by Web South as part of our effort to promote the Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Association (ECBaT) of which Peter (Web South owner) is a committee member.

“This listing is free, to help show how strong our community is with services and businesses, so please give us your details and not only advertise your business, but support our region. You do not have to be a member of ECBaT to join in this campaign. You can of course do even more for the community if you are a business by joining ECBaT.

“There are also many ways you can help, and by joining ECBaT you can find out how and also perhaps influence how – if you have a good idea. ECBaT is currently working on new promotions to help businesses, and tourism in the area so now would be a great time to join up and join in. Of course – where possible – buy local and keep jobs in the region, which in turn will help the region to prosper”. Peter said.

We have already listed these businesses in a previous news item, but here they are again to give you some idea of the wide variety of businesses that were hiding away in our region.

  • A.E.T. Catering
  • Contract Round Baling – Daniel Jenke
  • Eudunda Health Service
  • Fife Shearing
  • Grain Growers
  • Jakelco Contracting Pty Ltd
  • Ken Slater Memorials
  • Leditschke Transport
  • Regional Development Australia  – Yorke and Mid North
  • RJS Electrical Eudunda
  • SA Power Networks
  • Southern Flinders Regional Tourism Authority