A new committee with fresh new community management ideas, great drive and enthusiasm to work for the betterment Eudunda, and ultimately the region has started up.

They have actually been working hard in the background for quite some time. Their first public appearance was when they participated in the Eudunda Street Parade.

Totally Locally Eudunda committee march in the Eudunda Street Parade for the first time.at the Eudunda Bakery
The Totally Locally Eudunda in the Eudunda Street Parade shown here in front of The Eudunda Bakery.


Eudunda Street Parade Best Community Float Winners

Eudunda Christmas Street Parade – Best Community Float – won by the Eudunda Community Centre
$100 Cheque for their efforts. Sonia Mckee (Director) and Renee Sauer receive the cheque from
Trevor Mathews of the Totally Locally Eudunda Team, on behalf of the
Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Committee (ECBaT).
Sonia said that the kids had a great time decorating the trailer and everything in it.

They now have a dedicated page on eudunda.net where we should get more news as it happens.

See  Totally Locally Eudunda