WOW! I went up the street this morning and it was the busiest I have seen the streets in a while. Not just the main street, but the whole shopping district.

What caused this?

  • The State Elections – Polling Booth. This was located at the RSL Club and meant the whole district was to come in to that area sometime today. Many people get in early.
  • Car Boot Sale – Down at the Eudunda Club Car Park. This was run by the Eudunda Hall and Catering Committee to raise funds for the Hall restoration. There was a good attendance here too, of both traders and people looking for a bargain. There were plenty to be had as well as a Sausage Sizzle.
  • Rainwater Car Wash – SSkids Tyres. This was in aid of the Eudunda Community Children’s Centre. The event also had a Sausage Sizzle and drinks available.
  • Eudunda Street Shops were also open.

The result being very little driving space and car parks were at a premium. They were vacating fairly quickly though – so it wasn’t as frustrating as trying to find a park in Adelaide.