On Sunday afternoon, 12 March 2017, the small rural township of Bower in the mid-north of South Australia came to life with a community church service. Approximately 70 people from the community and relatives and friends of past members came together to hear God’s word, pray and praise God for his blessings. The inspiring service was well led by Pastor Chris Georg who is a descendant of the Doecke family from the Bower area. The congregation had closed 4 years ago, but the church is still open and available for special services.

Everyone gathered after the service in the Bower Community Hall nearby for a delicious afternoon tea provided by the Bower Progress Association, and to enjoy the friendly fellowship.
Organiser, Mel Zerner outlined plans to hold an annual community service at the church and to gradually repair and upgrade the church, cemeteries and Sunday school rooms over the next few years. Families who have assisted in this work come from the Zander, Dreckow, Doecke, Kassulke, Kleinig, and Freund original residents as well as Tim Thornhill from the local Bower community.

Praise be to God for a wonderful opportunity to provide ministry and fellowship to the local and wider community as well as preserving a historical building that is a land mark of the Bower township.

Thanks to Mel Zerner for the great roundup and photos.