Susan Takes Eudunda Probus On Language Tour For July Meeting
The Probus Club of Eudunda & Districts Inc. Our Guest Speaker Susan Moore, (Rodney and Fay Grosser’s daughter) gave an illustrated talk on her and her husband David Moore’s involvement,…
Eudunda - A Great Place to Work, Live & Play
The Probus Club of Eudunda & Districts Inc. Our Guest Speaker Susan Moore, (Rodney and Fay Grosser’s daughter) gave an illustrated talk on her and her husband David Moore’s involvement,…
Get the latest news from Eudunda and the Region of Southern Goyder from ECBAT. This issue has lots of variety – check it out!!! Get the ECBAT News #66 here…
DID YOU KNOW… STARCLUB is NOT ONLY a program for SPORTS Clubs? There is a diverse range of clubs, groups and associations that register with the program: Check out the…
Thanks to Janice at the Eudunda Robertstown Lutheran Parish for sending us the latest ‘Worship Program’ This one is for Worship Programme August – September 2019. The Church web page…
Eudunda Tennis Club are now online Check out how to contact them here: Eudunda Tennis Club They have both Senior and Junior teams. Seniors play at 1pm on Saturdays and…
Drivers, please take care as the new school term starts, Please take care – EVERYWHERE – not just in school zones, but passing buses, on the roads and in the…
29th – 30th June APPEAL FOR QUILTS Quilts will be displayed in the Church. We need hundreds (100’s) of Quilts, Patchwork, Knitting, crocheted, ANY ARE WELCOME! To have your quilt…