See You at the Eudunda Street Parade & Party
Friday 11th December – Eudunda The Street party committee has done a great job getting ready for tonight, Lots of things for kids to do, and at the same time…
Eudunda - A Great Place to Work, Live & Play
Friday 11th December – Eudunda The Street party committee has done a great job getting ready for tonight, Lots of things for kids to do, and at the same time…
The Street party committee has done a great job getting ready for next Friday night, Lots of things for kids to do, and at the same time entertainment for all…
UCare Eudunda are proud to invite you to their Official Opening Day Friday 16th Oct 2015 10am – 2pm All Welcome
The Eudunda Show Book 2015 is now out! There will be lots of exciting things to see and do this year!! You can find out more about this years show.…
Saturday 31st October Celebrate Halloween with the local YAC Group at the Eudunda Gardens Trick or Treat Trail, DJ, Apple Bobbing FAMILY FRIENDLY EVENT Prize for Best Halloween Costume Food…
Hosted by ECBAT If you are a volunteer please come and join in Celebrating volunteers in our community
Successful Information Evening gets SALA project under way An information evening held at the Eudunda Club on the 11th September saw local artist Kate Jenkins introduce the idea of making…