Combined Probus & Heritage – SA and Eudundas World War 1 Links
Combined Probus Eudunda and Friends of the Gallery The Probus Club of Eudunda had a special February meeting as it was combined with the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery ‘Friends of…
Eudunda - A Great Place to Work, Live & Play
Combined Probus Eudunda and Friends of the Gallery The Probus Club of Eudunda had a special February meeting as it was combined with the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery ‘Friends of…
Maundy Thursday (13th April) Eudunda: 7.30pm HC with Pastor Josh Robertstown: 7.30pm HC with Pastor Peter Good Friday (14th April) Robertstown: 8.30am with Pastor Peter Peep Hill: 8.30am with Pastor…
Private Swimming Lessons at the EUDUNDA SWIMMING POOL THERE ARE STILL MORE PLACES AVAILABLE. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL BY THIS FRIDAY 6TH JAN. Eudunda Swimming Pool Manager, Steve Wegener said, “We have…
Eudunda has a proud history of participation in the Australia Day Breakfast and Community Awards. Breakfast, orange juice and champagne, tea & coffee. Everything Free. Check out our main Australia…
The Children of Peep Hill , Neales Flat Lutheran Churches and communities Invite YOU to join them For their Annual Christmas Eve Program “GOD’S MESSENGERS THE ANGELS” On Saturday, 24th…
The Eudunda Community gathered for their Christmas Street Parade and Party on Friday the 9th December over 400 adults and children of the community attending. What good luck the event…
Start at Manoora Oval 9:45am Walks from Waterloo to Manoora Food, BBQ, Refreshments & Stalls More info on Lavender Federation website