Dyslexia And Specific Learning Difficulties
The DASLD Support Group is proud to announce that we have joined
“Dyslexia SA ” who currently have two branches,
Northern Area And Barossa (NAAB)
Lower Mid North and Light (LMNL)
DASLD has rolled into the LMNL branch and the exec committee is still the same dedicated group of local parents and teachers.
Our branch not only supports children and families living with Dyslexia but children with Dyslexic style learning needs, poor working memory, poor organizational skills and children that are simply struggling at school as well.
Dyslexia friendly teaching methods support all children not just Dyslexics.
We are excited to start this new adventure and are looking forward to more parent/teacher workshops in our area and seeing some more friendly faces join our group.
We will continue to hold our Dyslexia Parent Mornings in Eudunda (see flyer)
If you have any questions or would like to join our branch
Please contact Chantal Diener on 0411527385
DASLD history
Helping children who learn outside the box!
A local support group of parents, families, teachers, schools and businesses, who are dedicated to raising the awareness, understanding and acceptance of Dyslexia and other Specific Learning Difficulties, and providing support to the schools and families in our community.
DASLD Support Group (Dyslexia And Specific Learning Difficulties) began as a small group of local parents who wanted to do more to support the children, parents and teachers in the local community. Since becoming an incorporated body in 2012, DASLD has provided funding for further teacher education in Dyslexia, sent staff and parents on specialized training course, donated a variety of educational aids to the local schools and are hosting the top international Dyslexia expert Neil MacKay for school modelling sessions in Eudunda. DASLD are also planning a parent information night in early 2014 and are inviting educational experts in the field of Dyslexia to come and speak to the community in a workshop open to all. DASLD hold regular meetings in the surrounding community for support, projects, fundraising etc. and any newcomers are always welcome.
PO Box 259, Eudunda, SA 5374
Chantal 0411 527 385
Claire 08 8581 7199
Natalie 0408 294 925