Check out the latest news on their Facebook Page – Eudunda Bowling Club
and also articles in the Southern Goyder News
Read some more of their more historic news below:
A good crowd attended the April Presentation Night last Friday with president Chris Jones welcoming all and outlining the club’s and members achievements during the season.
A delicious meal followed, then presenting of trophies.
The ladies trophy winners were Judy Milde ( Singles winner), Joy Hams ( runner-up), Ruth Scoot/Judy Milde ( Pairs winners), Joy Hams/Pam Dutschke ( runners-up), Joy Hams ( 100-Up winner), Marg Nietschke ( runner-up).
The men’s trophy winners were Matthew Jones ( Singles winner), Tony Scoot ( runner-up), Matthew Jones/Tait Rogers (Pairs winner), Kym Schutz/Andrew Pfitzner (runners-up), Mally Schutz (100-Up winner), Murray Sauer ( runner-up).
The Night Bowls Triples winners were Top ‘8’ Henry Schutz, Roger Schutz, William Schutz, with runners-up Steve Reeves, Neil Valderamao, George Mitev; and Bottom ‘8’ winners John McGreen, Mally Schutz, Ken Jones, with runners-up Felix Schiller, Allen Kleinig, Mike Christie.
Chairman of Selectors Ron Hams announced that the Most Improved Player for Season 2018/19 is Ted Bowden.
Chris Jones conducted the proceedings smoothly, efficiently and with humour, and asked vice-President Ted Schiller to draw the raffle with a large array of prizes donated by members.
The AGM of Eudunda Bowling Club is Monday May 13th at 7.30pm.”
Night Bowls trophy winners 2019 – back: Bottom ‘8’ winners -John McGreen, Ken Jones, Mally Schutz
Front: Top ‘8’ winners – William Schutz, Henry Schutz, Roger Schutz.
Ladies winners 2019 – Judy Milde( Singles and Pairs), Ruth Scoot (Pairs winner), Joy Hams( Pairs and Singles runner-up, 100-Up
Winner) Dutschke ( Pairs runner-up), Margaret Nietschke (100-Up runner-up)
Men’s winners 2019 – Murray Sauer ( runner-up 100-Up), Kym Schutz and Andrew Pfitzner (Pairs runner-up), Matthew Jones
( Singles and Pairs), Chris Jones ( Dick Prior Memorial Shield); seated: Mally Schutz ( 100-Up), Tony Scoot (Singles runner-up)
Absent: Tait Rogers ( Pairs)
Thank you to Toucha for supplying story and photos.
Night Bowls Teams
Season 2016-2017
Report: 26th Sept. 2016
In the new 2016/17 season, the Eudunda Bowling Club has some new faces at the helm. Andrew Pfitzner is President, Greg Prior is Secretary, Bill Mader the Treasurer, and committee Chris Jones, David Kleinig, and some old faithfuls Bob Leditschke, Mally Schutz, Ted Schiller, Pam Dutschke, Marg Nietschke and Judy Milde.
Eudunda Bowling Club is hosting Open Day on Monday 3rd October in the form of a Cosmopolitan Fours Tournament starting at 10am with a ‘high lunch’. Following this day which attracts teams from the region and metro, the Pennant season commences for the ladies bowls on Thursday 6th October and Men’s Pennant matches on Saturday 8th October. This season the men will field a Division 1 side, a Division 2 side and two Division 3 sides.
The popular Night Bowls series is beginning in mid to late October when the weather promises to warm up! Come along for a couple of hours of fun, to try something new! Help is available for beginners. Teams of four are welcome, otherwise individuals are placed in teams, and you’ll need to play most weeks. Wear casual clothes, and flat-soled shoes are a necessity. Bar facilities and supper is available. Intending players, both current and new are asked to let Night Bowls committee members’ Grant or Christine Doecke, or Trevor Preston know by 30th September so that the draw can be finalised.
The Eudunda Bowling Club comes into the new season with optimism after last season’s Division 1 Premiership.
Judy Milde
Publicity Officer
Eudunda Bowls Celebrates 90 Years.
5th Oct 2015
Mary Mader & Bob Leditschke cut the cake to celebrate.
Photo thanks to Chelsea Laucke
Celebrating our new uniforms
You will find this very active club situated on Bruce Street Eudunda.
They have lots of competitions and social bowls, practice and Night Bowls competition.
The Bowling season officially begins with Open Day on Monday of the October long weekend 2015, and continues with a series of tournaments during the year into 2016.
- Open Day on Monday of the October long weekend,
- Pub Day,
- Ladies Invitation Fours in November,
- Cosmopolitan Fours in January,
- Men’s Invitation Fours in February,
- Night Bowls – the popular series during the whole season,
- There is coaching available for member bowlers and students from the Area School as part of their physical education curriculum,
- The season finishes by end of March/early April,
- The Club is keen to encourage bowlers to ‘get on the green’.
A snippet of time in 2014
Night Bowls News.
Download Eudunda Night Bowls Teams 2014
Night Bowls – General Description
Contact Grant Doecke (8581 1165) or Chris Ruediger (0488 047 861).
The season starts mid October and goes to late February, with a couple of weeks’ break over Christmas.
Come along for 2½ hours of fun, meet new people and try something new.
Bowls are available at the club for those who don’t have their own.
Dress: casual clothes, but wearing flat soled shoes is a necessity.
Bar facilities and supper available. Cost for adults: $5/week or $50/season (plus $1/week light money).
Cost for first year student bowlers: $1/week light money.
Committee 2014-15:
President: David Kleinig ( 85811745),
Vice President: Andrew Pfitzner,
Secretary: Jeff Willoughby,
Treasurer: Bill Mader,
Committee Members: Mally Schutz, Chris and Matthew Jones, Marg Nietschke, Pam Dutschke and Judy Milde (Publicity Officer).