AGM – Tuesday 18th March at 7.30pm at the Light Hotel – all welcome to help with the 2014 event.
What a great event the Christmas Street Parade & Party – dubbed “Eudunda’s ‘A Night on the Town’ ” was last year.
To think that this was achieved by mainly the three girls Katie Preston, Regina Scholz, Chelsea Laucke, and their supporters.
Well done to them for raising a massive amount of money for the local Hospitals.

[pullquote]Now comes the time to start planning for this years event and the girls could do with some help. Just imagine how much easier it will be with extra helpers to share some of the work around.[/pullquote]
Now comes the time to start planning for this years event and the girls could do with some help. Just imagine how much easier it will be with extra helpers to share some of the work around.That means they need people to come along and support them firstly at the AGM and then during the year to get everything organised.
Hopefully lots of people will help in small ways and make the 2014 event another great one to remember.
Once again Girls! you did a wonderful job!
“Facebook message from Regina”
Hi Everyone, We are having our Christmas Street Party Committee AGM on Tuesday 18th March at 7.30pm at the Light Hotel so if you are interested in joining our committee for 2014 please feel free to come along to this open meeting as all your input is valuable to us.
If you would like any further info you can messages through our FB page or contact Katie 0408809259, Regina 0409945149 or Chelsea 0439883781