Linda Hoffman announces a great raffle price for those who enter the Open Day on Feb 14th 2015.
All entrants go into the draw to win a deluxe Footeside Farm Product Hamper valued at $115.00
What’s included

Wattle Seed 60g, Quandong 50g, Bush Tomato 50g, Salt Bush 50g , Wattle Seed Apricots in Port, Australian Native Dukkah, Quandong Jam, Bush Tomato Onion Jam, Wattle Seed Cookie Mix, Macadamia Oil 250ml, Wattle Seed Coating Mix and a copy of Wattle Seed the Kitchen Handbook containing 35 Wattle Seed Recipes written by Linda
Activities on the day!
The Footside Farm Story,
Products, Resources will be available from our Barn Shop,
Tours of the plantations and processing shed,
Food will be available for purchase and of course it will have a native flavour,
Drinks will also be available,
Didgeridoo Playing,
Workshop on using Native Foods in your Cooking
A selection of native food plants for sale
The entrance fee of $5 will give you free tours and entry to the Open Day Raffle featuring our Native Food products.
School aged children and younger have free entry.
Here is your chance to have a peak at a local Farm Tourism business who specialise in Native Foods.

Download the PDF poster to find out more Footside Farm Open Day PDF poster 14th Feb 2015