We caught up with local Singer Songwriter Mike Roberts for a bit of a chat, to find out why he has a big smile on his face (more than usual),

Mike Roberts - Singer Songwriter
Mike Roberts – Singer Songwriter of Eudunda


“In a recent ABC Radio interview about an anti-mining song I wrote, I was asked if I thought of myself as a ‘protest’ singer.

“I said I preferred the moniker of “observer’ and the new album I’d like to introduce you to is a collection of my observations of people, relationships, war, economy and whatever else I see going on around me.

Recently an album track called ‘Deluge and the Spark’ was featured in a video on the Wirrabara Bushfire Appeal Concert where I was invited to perform. Another track, ‘The Night We Left the Island’, was written about friends who lost their farm on Kangaroo Island and was also the subject of ABC Radio interviews and received significant airplay.

As a singer/songwriter I’ve been writing and playing music even before arriving from the US in 1974. I’ve played in bands such as Shut Up and Deal, Stick Em UP (played at Tamworth and recorded on the Larrikin label), Redwing and the Dads of Anarchy as well as performing many duo and solo gigs in both the US and Australia.


Mike Roberts Album Cover - Travellin Shoes
Mike Roberts Album Cover – Travellin’ Shoes

The thirteen tracks on my new album Travellin’ Shoes,
released on 1 August, were produced by Quentin Eyers in Adelaide.
The album is now being featured on ZFM, the largest country music radio network in Australia. I hope you enjoy it!



If you visit Mike’s website you can listen to two of the tracks
Remains of War and Travellin’ Shoes.
There are also stories and photos of the production of the album. 

If you like those – why not purchase the Album
you can do that online or even pick one up at the Local Eudunda Post Office

Keep your eyes open for Mike as he is often supporting local events
by playing at them.